Youlgrave Village Hall

Holywell Lane, Youlgrave, Bakewell, DE45 1UT | Registered Charity: 520538

Youlgrave is a village in the heart of Derbyshire, located in the south of the Peak District three miles from Bakewell. It sits on the hillside just above the River Bradford, near its confluence with the River Lathkill. Youlgrave is one of the largest villages within the Peak District National Park and is a thriving rural community which takes pride in its resourcefulness and rural character.

The village hall was donated to the village in 1933 by Miss Mary Hoyle Melland, a local resident and registered as a charity the same year (Registered Charity 520538). The hall is managed by a Committee of volunteer trustees who are currently:


          Graham Elliott            Chair            

       Phil Smith                 Vice Chair

       Ian Mcaffery              Treasurer

         Sue Hallam,       Parish Council Rep

           Sandra Harrop   Secretary  & Bookings

           Kathryn Rhodes

           Adrian Rhodes

       Sarah Hill

       Kathyn Tak Tak

       Mike Read            ]

       Ginny Close

           Judith Taylor       Pantomime & booking Rep

           Glenys Moor              Cinema Club Rep

       Sandra Oldfield

       Pam Walker               WI Rep